星期日, 2月 12, 2006

Multi-Touch Interaction Research


While touch sensing is commonplace for single points of contact, multi-touch sensing enables a user to interact with a system with more than one finger at a time, as in chording and bi-manual operations. Such sensing devices are inherently also able to accommodate multiple users simultaneously, which is especially useful for larger interaction scenarios such as interactive walls and tabletops.


3 則留言:

lcy 提到...

好讚! 蘋果的筆記型電腦的touchpad可以用兩隻手指去控制,會有不同功能,但跟這套系統比起來就跟垃圾一樣. 這個系統真的太酷了...好想摸摸看

ChenJYu 提到...


ChenJYu 提到...
